Recipe Database Properties

Recipe Database Configuration

Recipe Provider

Database provider to use:

  • SQLServerDesktop_MSDE: Use SQL Server 2014 Desktop or MSDE database engine.
  • SQLServer: Use SQL Server or SQL Server Express.
  • MSAccess: Use Microsoft Access Jet Database engine.
  • Oracle: Use Oracle engine. Does not automatically create database. You must create the database schema first to use this provider.
  • ODBC: Use ODBC data source. Does not automatically create database, table, or field names. You must create database, table, and all fields with the proper names and data types first to use this provider.

Recipe Server

The name of the Server to use when the Provider is set to SQL Server Desktop or SQL Server.

Recipe Set Server Name with Tag

When enabled the Server name can be dynamically set with a Tag Parameter value when the Provider (see above) is set to SQL Server Desktop or SQL Server.

Recipe Database

The name of the Database to connect to. When using Microsoft Access specify the full path of the database. Example: C:DatabaseName.mdb.

Recipe Set Database Name with Tag

When enabled the Database name can be dynamically set with a Tag Parameter value.

Recipe Table

The name of the database Table to read the data from.

Recipe Set Table Name with Tag

When enabled the Table name can be dynamically set with a Tag Parameter value.

Use WinNT Authentication

Use Windows Logon Security Authentication when the Provider (see above) is set to SQL Server Desktop or SQL Server.

Recipe User Name

User Name for database security.

Recipe Password

Password for database security.

Recipe Query String

This text is appended to end of the database query to retrieve the data.  It can also be dynamically be set from an OPC Systeme.NET Tag of a String data type. An example: WHERE [BATCH_NUMBER] = 5 ORDER BY [LOT_NUMBER].

Recipe Set Query String with Tag

When enabled the Query String parameter is automatically set from the defined Open Automation Software Tag. This allows dynamic assignment of the additional Query String to apply addition query and sorting arguments based on real-time data. Typically a Tag with a data type of String is used that has the data source defined as Calculation. This way real-time data automatically determines the additional Query String.

Recipe Tags Properties for Multiple Records

For Multiple Record type Recipes the target Tags and data values and defined in the database table of choice with unlimited number of records. The Table must contain two fields, one for the Tags and one for the values.

Multiple Records Properties

Tag Name Field

The field name that contains the Tags to write to when using a Multiple Record Recipe Type.

Value Field

The field name that contains the values to write to when using a Multiple Record Recipe Type.

Recipe Tags Properties for Single and Queued Records.

For Single Record and Queued Recipes the target Tags are associated with field names in the database. The values are simply contained in the first record returned from the table for the defined fields.

Recipe Single Field

Add Field

Add a data field and specify the Tag Parameter, field name, and field data type use the Add Button.

Recipe Value01

Delete Field

Delete field(s) by selecting the field(s) and select the Delete button or right click in the Field Name List and select Delete or Delete All.

Recipe Delete

Edit Field

Edit a data field to specify the field name and field data type. Use the Edit Field Button or right click in the Field Name List and select Edit.

Recipe Edit

Field CSV Import/Export

Right click in the Tags List to select CSV Export with one or more Tags in the list, or CSV Import to add/modify fields in the existing list.

Recipe CSV Import

Recipe Common Properties

Recipe Configuration

Recipe Name

The name that identifies the Recipe in the Recipes configuration. This name appears in System Alarms if there is a failure with the Recipe.

Recipe Active

Enables or Disables the Recipe. This can be controlled with a Tag Parameter value if Activate Recipe With Tag (see below) is specified. This does not initiate the execution, simply enables or disables the ability to execute the Recipe.

Activate Recipe With Tag

When enabled the Recipe Active selection is controlled with the specified Tag and Parameter that is specified. When the value of the Tag Parameter is True the Recipe is set to Active, and when the value is False the Recipe is set to Inactive.

Recipe Type

Recipe Types:

  • Wide Table:  Database fields are mapped to Tags to update in the Tags tab of the recipe group.  When the recipe executes the TOP record values are transferred to the defined tags.
  • Narrow Table: The Tag names and values are all defined directly in the database table. The field names for the Tag names and values are set in the Tags tab.  When the recipe executes the multiple records returned will contain the tag names and the values to write.
  • Queued Wide Table: Database fields are mapped to Tags to update in the Tags tab of the recipe group. When the recipe executes the TOP record values are transferred to the defined tags.  When the recipe execution completes successfully the records are deleted.
  • Queued Narrow Table: The Tag names and values are all defined directly in the database table. The field names for the Tag names and values are set in the Tags tab.  When the recipe executes the multiple records returned will contain the tag names and the values to write.  When the recipe execution completes successfully the records are deleted.
  • OEM: Custom recipe routines are executed that are defined by the OEM Code. Not applicable unless your company is working with Open Automation Software directly for the custom recipe type.

Execution Type

Execution types:

  • Continuous: Transfer data at the specified Execution Rate. The minimum execution rate is 1 second.
  • Event Driven: Transfer data when the Event Driven Execution Tag Parameter value transitions from False to True. The time resolution for this feature is 1 second as the Tag Parameter can be specified from a remote OAS Service.
  • Specific Time Of Day: Transfer occurs at the specific Time Of Day.

Execution Rate

The rate of desired data transfer when the Execution Type is set to Continuous. The minimum execution rate is 1 second and the actual data transfer will depend also on the time that the database table can be queried to return the data. Recipe Active must also be set to True.

Tag to Execute Recipe

With the Execution Type is set to Event Driven this is the Tag Parameter that will cause the transfer to occur when the value transitions from False to True.  The time resolution for this feature is 1 second as the Tag Parameter can be specified from a remote OAS Service. Recipe Active must also be set to True.

Time Of Day

With the Execution Type set to Specific Time Of Day this will be the time that the transfer will occur. Recipe Active must also be set to True.

Enable Confirmation Tag

When enabled a Boolean Tag can be specified to receive confirmation of a successful Recipe execution. The specified Tag value will be set to false when Recipe first executes and will be set to True after all of the values to transfer have been successfully confirmed to be transferred.

Enable Error Tag

When enabled a Boolean Tag can be specified to receive an integer value with error codes to show what failure if any occurred. The specified Tag value will be set to 0 when Recipe first executes and will be set to a positive number if an error occurs.

0 = No error has occurred.

1 = No records to transfer.

2 = Database error in connection or table read.

3 = Timeout of values, one or more of the Tags did not report the same value back that was written within the Timeout (see below) period.

4 = Unable to delete Queued Record after the transfer was completed.

5 = OAS Recipe is not licensed.

6 = One or more of Tags has Bad Quality

7 = One or more of the Database Read Fields was Bad Quality

8 = One or more of the Tags was not setup to write.


This is the amount of time the system will wait for a successful completion of data transfer before giving up and alarming the execution as a failure. If a failure of database connection occurs the failure will be reported immediately.

Float Deadband

When comparing database values written to Tags against the actual feedback values this is the allowable deadband for all values of Float type. This feature is useful for OPC values from PLCs for different resolutions than a 64 bit Double Float.

As long as the values are within the deadband no timeout will occur and the confirmation bit will be set.

To disable this feature for exact comparison on all float values set the value to 0.