Troubleshoot Bad Data

How to identify and resolve communications errors with data sources.

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 0:40 – Bad Tags
  • 3:30 – System Errors
  • 4:20 – Watch Window
  • 6:20 – Error Logging
  • 7:20 – Troubleshooting Guides
  • 8:55 – Contact Us


View the following video for explanation of each parameter and how to enable Total for a tag:

  • 00:00 – Introduction
  • 00:17 – Define Properties
  • 00:30 – Create a New Tag
  • 03:30 – Totalization Process
  • 06:42 – Reset Function
  • 08:34 – Control the active state
  • 09:53 – Set the initial value
  • 11:10 – Persist the total when system is restarted
  • 12:51 – More Questions

When this feature is enabled the current value will be summed at the sample rate specified with each value multiplied by the total gain before addition to the total.

Total Variables:

The Total feature will keep track of the following:

  • Total – The summation of all sampled values.
  • TotalSamples – The number of samples added since the last total reset.
  • TotalAverage – The total divided by the number of samples.
  • TotalPrevious – The previous total when the last reset was performed.
  • TotalPreviousSamples – The previous number of samples when the last reset was performed.
  • TotalAverage – The previous average when the last reset was performed.

The following image shows how the points will appear for connection in a client.

Browsing Total Variables

Configuration Properties:

Total Properties

The following configuration properties are used to enable and control the summation of values.

Enable Total

Enables the summation of the current value to update the Total variables.

Total Active

When enabled totalizing is active at the specified sample rate.
When disabled totalizing is paused.

Total Active by Tag

When enabled Active state is controlled by a Boolean tag value.

Total Sample Rate

The rate at which the value * gain is added to the total in seconds.

Total Gain

The gain will be multiplied to the value before adding to the total.
Use a negative gain or value if you want the total to decrease on each sample.

Total Gain by Tag

When enabled the gain to multiply to value is controlled by Tag.

Total Initial Value

The value that the total will be initialized to when the total is reset.

Total Reset Daily

When enabled the total is set to the Total Initial Value on the reset hour and minute.

Total Reset Monthly

When enabled the total is set to the Total Initial Value on the reset hour and minute on the first day of the month.

Total Reset by Tag

When enabled a Boolean tag transition from false to true will set the total to the Total Initial Value.


Retain Totals on Service Restart

To retain the total values after a system restart go to Configure-Options-Retain Values and enable to retain Totals to a file.

Retain Totals

You can optionally specify a save frequency in hours to save the live total values at a specified rate.  If the save Frequency is left at 0 the totals are only saved when the runtime is stopped or an orderly system shutdown.

How To Read and Write Live Data with the OAS REST API

How To Read and Write Live Data with the OAS REST API

We are going to discuss how to read and write live data with the OAS REST API. The interface below is what we will be building. You can see the live version of it here:

Getting Started

To use the OAS REST API you must make sure that the OAS HTTP service is listening on the correct port. To do this, open the OAS Configuration application and select Configure > Options, then select the network node (localhost if working on the local machine) and click Select. Under the Networking tab, locate the field for REST API/WebHMI Port Number. The default is 58725 but can be changed. If you are accessing the server from a remote client, you will also need to make sure your machine and/or company firewalls allow TCP traffic on the selected port.

You can find full documentation for the OAS REST API here: as well as a link to open it in Postman.

Setting up the Page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>REST Example | Real Time Data</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="client.css">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

Above is the start of the head tag and a link to the jQuery library. We will be using jQuery for this tutorial.

        var networkNode = "";
        var clientid =  ""; // holds the client id from authorization
        var token =  "";    // holds the token from authorization
        var drawheader = true; // flag for whether the table header needs to be drawn
        var polling = null; // variable for setInterval function    
        var pumpval = null; // holds the last pump value
        var currentlist = {
                {"path": "Pump.Value"},
                {"path": "Ramp.Value"},
                {"path": "Sine.Value"}

Next we declare some variables that we will use later. The networkNode is the URL for where the OAS Service you are calling is located. The clientid and the token are variables that we will use to hold the authentication credentials that will be returned in our first call. Next, polling is a variable we will use to hold the setInterval function for our repeat calls to the API to get the tag data. The pumpval boolean holds the pump tags value on the page so that we can update it without asking for it’s current value first. The currentlist object starts out with the tag array that we are going to send in the requests to create and update the tag list, we will add to it later.

        // function to clear out variables for a reset
        function clearvariables(){
            polling = null;
            $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Create Tag List");
            $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling");

The clearvariables() function above does just that. We will call it later in our application to reset our button text and reset our variables when needed.

        // function to display error messages 
        function displaymessage(mess, fnc){
            clearInterval(polling); // in the event of an error we stop the polling
            switch(mess) {
                case 401:
                    $('#diverror').html("Authentication required.");
                case 404:
                    if((fnc == "delete")||(fnc == "update")){
                        $('#diverror').html("Tag List not found.");

The displaymessage() function is called when our API request returns with an error. It will display the message on the page.


$("#doauth").click(function(){ // click funtion for authenticatation
    clearvariables(); // clear out the old variables, we are starting over   
    // api call for authenticatation
        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/authenticate",
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        crossDomain: true,
        dataType: "json",
        data: '{"username": "", "password": ""}',
        success: function(r) {
            clientid =; // store the client id for later calls
            token =;  // store the token for later calls      
            $('#divid').html(clientid); // display the client id
            $('#divtoken').html(token); // display the token
        error: function (e) {
            displaymessage(e.status, "auth"); // in case of error, display the error         

The first call you will always need to make is to Authenticate. This will create a session and return a clientid and token that you will send in the header of all of your subsequent calls. The API call above is inside of a click function that handles the click event for the Authenticate button. The first thing we do is call the clearvariable() function in case the user has been using the application already. When the session is created it creates a new clientid and token. Anything that may have been done previously on the page will be tied to the old session and no longer be accessible so we clear out the old display as well.

We are using the jQuery ajax() method to send an asynchronous HTTP request to the server. The first parameter url specifies the address we are sending our request to. The networkNode we set above is used here. The Authenticate call is a POST which we specify in the type parameter. Next, contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8 designates the content to be in JSON format, encoded in the UTF-8 character encoding. The crossDomain parameter is set to true, allowing us to send our request to a resource that is outside of our own domain. The dataType parameter is set to “json”, letting the server know we expect the response to come back in JSON format. In out data parameter, what we are sending to the server, we have two variables: username and password. In this example, they are empty strings which will allow us to create a session in the default security group. For more information about security groups, see the Getting Started – Security tutorial in our knowledge base.

If we were to run the Authenticate function successfully here is what would be returned:

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "clientid": "e90c8ae8-6b12-4690-a02b-f35ad03b3d2d",
        "token": "f16c3098-b295-4572-9a6b-f53ee984d21b"
    "messages": [
        "Default credential provided - access to data and operations may be limited"

In which case, we process the return inside of our success function. We set the clientid page variable to the clientid property of the data object of the return object and the token page variable to the token property. If an error were to be returned, we handle it in our error function where we send the message to the displaymessage() function.

Create and Delete the Tag List

// click function to create or delete tag list 
    // if there is no id, create one
    if (!{ 
        // api call to create the tag list
            url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists",
            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            crossDomain: true,
            dataType: "json",
            headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
            data: JSON.stringify(currentlist),
            success: function(r) {
                $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Delete Tag List"); // toggle button
            error: function (e) {
                displaymessage(e.status, "create"); // in case of error, display the error    
    // if there is an id, delete it
        clearInterval(polling); // stop the polling and clear out the variable                   
        polling = null;
        $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling"); // toggle polling button
        // api call to delete the tag list
            url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/" +,
            type: "DELETE",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            crossDomain: true,
            dataType: "json",
            headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
            success: function(r) {
                if(currentlist.tags.some(el => el.path === "Random.Value")){  // if the random tag has been added, remove it to reset to original list
                $('#divtaglistid').empty();  //empty the displays
                $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Create Tag List"); // toggle button
            error: function (e) {
                displaymessage(e.status, "delete"); // in case of error, display the error   

Next we have a click function, $(“#createtaglist”).click(function(), that handles creating and deleting the tag list. We will toggle it’s value back and forth based on the existence of the that we will add to our data object variable after it is returned from our API call.

Let’s look first at the Create Tag List call, it is also a “POST”. In this call we have added a header parameter, which passes in our clientid and token. In the data parameter, we pass in the tag list array that we created at the top of the page in our currentlist object. Before we pass the tag array in, we format it with the JSON.stringify() method that converts a JavaScript object or value to a JSON string. In the function that handles a successful call, we set the to the returned tag list id, display it on the page, clear out the error display since we were successful and toggle the button text.

If a tag list already exists, the click function will delete it. First we stop the polling of the data, set the polling variable to null and toggle the button text. In the Delete Tag List call, we add the to the end of the url so the API knows which list we want to delete. The type is changed to “DELETE” here. Again, we pass the clientid and token in the header. In the success function, the first the we do is check to see the Random tag has been added to our list via the Add Random button. If it has, we want to delete it with currentlist.tags.pop() so that our list is back to it’s original state and it doesn’t get added twice. Next, we delete the from our object with delete Finally, we clear out the displays and toggle the button text. In the event of an error, we display the message.

Get Tag List

// api call to get the latest tag values for the list
function getthetags(){
        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/" +,
        type: "GET",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        crossDomain: true,
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
        success: function(r) {
            pumpval = r.tags[0].value; // hold onto the pump value so we can update it
            $('#displaythis').empty(); // empty out old display
            $.each(r.tags, function(key,tag) {
                $('#displaythis').append(tag.path + ': ' + tag.value + "<br>");               
        error: function (e) {
            displaymessage(e); // in case of error, display the error    

// click event to toggle polling
    if (!{  // if no list exists, display message, exit
        displaymessage("Tag List not found", "poll");
    if (polling == null){ // if polling exists, stop it
        polling = setInterval("getthetags()", 1000);  // start the polling 
        $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Stop Polling"); // toggle button
    } else { //if polling doesn't exist, start it
        clearInterval(polling);  // stop the polling and clear the variable
        polling = null;
        $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling"); // toggle button

Now that we have created the tag list, we want to get the tag data. We will also use the JavaScript setInterval function to repeatedly poll the data. When the user clicks the Start Polling button the $(“#dopolling”).click(function() fires. First we check to see if a tag list exists, if it doesn’t we display an error message and exit the function. Next, we check to see if we are already polling. If we are, we know the user has clicked the Stop Polling button. In this case, we clear use clearInterval(polling) to stop the polling, set it to null and toggle the button text. If we aren’t already polling we know the user has clicked the Start Polling button. In this case, we use the setInterval function to call our getthetags() function once every second and then toggle the button text.

In the getthetags() function, we launch our API call. At the end of the url we add the so the server knows which tag list we want. The request type is “GET” and we send the clientid and token in the header. Below is the data that comes back:

    "id": "664c93ed-2f29-460c-9691-f4730c04ce40",
    "tags": [
            "path": "Pump.Value",
            "value": "False",
            "quality": true,
            "type": "boolean"
            "path": "Ramp.Value",
            "value": "37",
            "quality": true,
            "type": "float"
            "path": "Sine.Value",
            "value": "-0.296687960624695",
            "quality": true,
            "type": "float"

In our success function, we set the pumpval page variable to r.tags[0].value which is the value of the Pump tank as it is the first tag in our tag list array. We are storing the value in case the user clicks the Toggle Pump button. Next we use the jQuery .each() function to iterate through the returned tags array to display the data on the page. In case of error, we display the error message.

Update Tag List

// click event for adding random tag
    if ( == ""){ // if no list exists, exit
        displaymessage("Tag List not found", "update");
    if(!currentlist.tags.some(el => el.path === "Random.Value")){  // check to see if it is already there, if it's not add it
        currentlist.tags.push({"path": "Random.Value"});
        // api call to update the tag list
            url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists",
            type: "PUT",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            crossDomain: true,
            dataType: "json",
            headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
            data: JSON.stringify(currentlist),
            success: function(r) {
            error: function (e) {
                displaymessage(e.status, "update");  // in case of error, display the error                  

The Update Tag List call is inside of our $(“#updatetaglist”).click(function() and fired when the user clicks the Add Random button. Again, we check to make sure the exists and exit the function if it does not. Next we check the tags array to see if the Random tag has been added previously, we don’t want to add it twice. If it is there, we skip over this function, otherwise, we add it to the array and make our API call. The request type is “PUT” and we pass the clientid and the token in the header. In the data parameter we use the JSON.stringify function to format our current list object which now includes the and the Random tag as a JSON string. This tells the server to use this updated tag list for the tag list we have already created. We don’t have to do anything in our success function here, we are already polling and our getthetags() function can handle the addition. In case of error, we display the error.

Set Tag Values

// click event to toggle the pump value
    if ( == ""){ // if no list exists, exit
        displaymessage("Tag List not found", "toggle");
    var flagpump = false;
    if (pumpval == "False"){ // see what the current stored pump value is and flip it
        flagpump = true;
    // api call to update the pump value
        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/set",
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        crossDomain: true,
        dataType: "json",
        headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
        data: '{"values":[{"path": "Pump.Value", "value": "' + flagpump + '"}]}',
        success: function(r) {
        error: function (e) {
            displaymessage(e.status, "update");  // in case of error, display the error                          

The Toggle Pump button fires the click $(“#togglepump”).click(function(). Inside of this function, we first check to see if the exists. If it does not, we exit the function. Otherwise, we get evaluate our current pumpval page variable and flip it. Our API call here is a “POST” and we send the clientid and the token in the header. Our data parameter contains an array of objects containing the path to the tag and parameter we want to update, along with the new value. Our array has only one object, the Pump, but we could send in multiple tags to update with this call. Again we don’t have to do anything in our success function here, we are already polling. In case of error, we display the error.

An optional parameter that can be sent in this call is timestamp. Use this method if implementing a custom data source. The timestamp field is a numeric representation of the number of ticks since 1/1/1970. In JavaScript this can be retrieved from a Date object using the .GetTime() method. It would look like this:

{ "values": 
    { "path": "Pump.Value", "value": true, "timestamp": 1490110444474 }, 
    { "path": "Ramp.Value", "value": 37, "timestamp": 1490110444474 } 

All Together Now…

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>REST Example | Real Time Data</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="client.css">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        var networkNode = "";
        var clientid =  ""; // holds the client id from authorization
        var token =  "";    // holds the token from authorization       
        var polling = null; // variable for setInterval function    
        var pumpval = null; // holds the last pump value
        var currentlist = {
                {"path": "Pump.Value"},
                {"path": "Ramp.Value"},
                {"path": "Sine.Value"}

        // function to clear out variables for a reset
        function clearvariables(){
            polling = null;
            $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Create Tag List");
            $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling");
        // function to display error messages 
        function displaymessage(mess, fnc){
            clearInterval(polling); // in the event of an error we stop the polling
            switch(mess) {
                case 401:
                    $('#diverror').html("Authentication required.");
                case 404:
                    if((fnc == "delete")||(fnc == "update")){
                        $('#diverror').html("Tag List not found.");
        // api call to get the latest tag values for the list
        function getthetags(){
                url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/" +,
                type: "GET",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                crossDomain: true,
                dataType: "json",
                headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
                success: function(r) {
                    pumpval = r.tags[0].value; // hold onto the pump value so we can update it
                    $('#displaythis').empty(); // empty out old display
                    $.each(r.tags, function(key,tag) {
                        $('#displaythis').append(tag.path + ': ' + tag.value + "<br>");               
                error: function (e) {
                    displaymessage(e); // in case of error, display the error    
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("#doauth").click(function(){ // click funtion for authorization
                clearvariables(); // clear out the old variables, we are starting over   
                // api call for authorization
                    url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/authenticate",
                    type: "POST",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                    crossDomain: true,
                    dataType: "json",
                    data: '{"username": "", "password": ""}',
                    success: function(r) {
                        clientid =; // store the client id for later calls
                        token =;  // store the token for later calls      
                        $('#divid').html(clientid); // display the client id
                        $('#divtoken').html(token); // display the token 
                    error: function (e) {
                        displaymessage(e.status, "auth"); // in case of error, display the error         
            // click function to create or delete tag list 
                // if there is no id, create one
                if (!{ 
                    // api call to create the tag list
                        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists",
                        type: "POST",
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                        crossDomain: true,
                        dataType: "json",
                        headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
                        data: JSON.stringify(currentlist),
                        success: function(r) {
                            $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Delete Tag List"); // toggle button
                        error: function (e) {
                            displaymessage(e.status, "create"); // in case of error, display the error    
                // if there is an id, delete it
                    clearInterval(polling); // stop the polling and clear out the variable                   
                    polling = null;
                    $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling"); // toggle polling button
                    // api call to delete the tag list
                        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/" +,
                        type: "DELETE",
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                        crossDomain: true,
                        dataType: "json",
                        headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
                        success: function(r) {
                            if(currentlist.tags.some(el => el.path === "Random.Value")){  // if the random tag has been added, remove it to reset to original list
                            $('#divtaglistid').empty();  //empty the displays
                            $("#createtaglist").prop("value", "Create Tag List"); // toggle button
                        error: function (e) {
                            displaymessage(e.status, "delete"); // in case of error, display the error   

            // click event for adding random tag
                if ( == ""){ // if no list exists, exit
                    displaymessage("Tag List not found", "update");
                if(!currentlist.tags.some(el => el.path === "Random.Value")){  // check to see if it is already there, if it's not add it
                    currentlist.tags.push({"path": "Random.Value"});                
                    // api call to update the tag list
                        url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists",
                        type: "PUT",
                        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                        crossDomain: true,
                        dataType: "json",
                        headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
                        data: JSON.stringify(currentlist),
                        success: function(r) {
                        error: function (e) {
                            displaymessage(e.status, "update");  // in case of error, display the error                  

            // click event to toggle the pump value
                if ( == ""){ // if no list exists, exit
                    displaymessage("Tag List not found", "toggle");
                var flagpump = false;
                if (pumpval == "False"){ // see what the current stored pump value is and flip it
                    flagpump = true;
                // api call to update the pump value
                    url: networkNode + "/OASREST/v2/taglists/set",
                    type: "POST",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
                    crossDomain: true,
                    dataType: "json",
                    headers: {"clientid": clientid, "token": token},
                    data: '{"values":[{"path": "Pump.Value", "value": "' + flagpump + '"}]}',
                    success: function(r) {
                    error: function (e) {
                        displaymessage(e.status, "update");  // in case of error, display the error                          

            // click event to toggle polling
                if (!{  // if no list exists, display message, exit
                    displaymessage("Tag List not found", "poll");
                if (polling == null){ // if polling exists, stop it
                    polling = setInterval("getthetags()", 1000);  // start the polling 
                    $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Stop Polling"); // toggle button
                } else { //if polling doesn't exist, start it
                    clearInterval(polling);  // stop the polling and clear the variable
                    polling = null;
                    $("#dopolling").prop("value", "Start Polling"); // toggle button


        <div class='main'>
            <input type='button' id='doauth' class='button' value='Authenticate'><input type='button' id='createtaglist' class='button' value='Create Tag List'>
            <input type='button' id='dopolling' class='button' value='Start Polling'><input type='button' id='updatetaglist' class='button' value='Add Random Tag'>
            <input type='button' id='togglepump' class='button' value='Toggle Pump'><br><br>
            <div class='outer'><div class='label'>Client ID:</div><div  id='divid' class='value'></div></div>
            <div class='outer'><div class='label'>Token:</div><div id='divtoken' class='value'></div></div>
            <div class='outer'><div class='label'>Tag List ID:</div><div id='divtaglistid' class='value'></div></div>         
            <div class='outer'><div class='label'>Message:</div><div  id='diverror' class='value'></div></div><br>
            <div id='displaythis'></div>

To download the source code for this tutorial, click here.

Tag Variables


Tag Variable Access

OAS client and OAS Engine interfaces can access all live data and configuration properties of a tag.  Client applications would include WPF HMI, WinForm HMI, Cross-Platform HMI, and Web HMI user interfaces, OAS Excel Connector, and programmatic access through .NET Data Connector and REST API.

OAS Engine features that utilize tag variable access include Data Logging, Recipes, Calculation Tags, and Data Route Target Tags.

Tag Licensing

All variables can be accessed to each tag count as just one tag towards the OAS license.  The exception would be access to bits of an integer tag and elements of an array tag which are counted as additional tags for licensing.

Tag Syntax

Value is the most commonly used variable of a Tag.  Following is a list of all accessible variables from a tag.  When browsing an OAS Tag from a client interface you will see all of the possible variable for selection.

The OAS Excel browse application is a simple client to browse any tag for any available variable for a local or remote tag.


The following would be the full path for a local tag within a group.



Refer to Basic Networking or Live Data Cloud Networking for complete syntax for remote tag access.

Basic Networking


Live Data Cloud Networking from local OAS Engine


Live Data Cloud Networking though remote OAS Engine



The following is an example of accessing an element of an array as a read only variable.




 Variable Description
Value The current value of the Tag.
Bit00-Bit15 Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 16 bit, 32 bit, or 64 bit integer.
Bit16-Bit31 Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 32 bit or 64 bit integer.
Bit32-Bit63 Individual bit of Value when Data Type is 64 bit integer.
ABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
AcknowledgeAlarmsEnable Configuration property: Enable this feature to automatically acknowledge all alarms defined to the alarm groups defined in the property Alarm Groups to Acknowledge. The alarms are acknowledged when the Tag Value transitions from False to True. If the Tag Value remains True no further acknowledge will occur until the value goes to False and then True again. If you desire to acknowledge all alarms in the local service leave the Alarm Groups to Acknowledge field blank.
AcknowledgeAlarmsGroups Configuration property: When the Acknowledge Alarm Groups property is enabled this is the list of Alarm Groups that will determine which alarms will be acknowledged automatically when the Tag Value transitions from False to True. If you desire to acknowledge all alarms in the local service leave this field blank.
AlarmsDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarms for the tag daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
AlarmsDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarms daily.
AlarmsDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarms daily.
AlarmsDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarms daily.
AlarmsDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarms daily.
AlarmsDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarms for the tag between a Start date and End date.
AlarmsDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarms between a Start and End date.
AlarmsDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarms between a Start and End date.
AlarmsDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarms between a Start and End date.
AlarmsDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarms between a Start and End date.
Calculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
DataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
GPIO: Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input and Output pins.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
DataType Configuration property: The data type of a Parameter can be set to one of the following types.
DoubleFloat (64 bits)
SingleFloat (32 bits)
SByteInteger (8 bits)
ByteInteger (8 bits)
ShortInteger (16 bits)
UShortInteger (16 bits)
IntegerNumber (32 bits)
UIntegerNumber (32 bits)
LongInteger (64 bits)
ULongInteger (64 bits)
ArrayDouble (64 bits)
ArraySingle (32 bits)
ArrayInteger (32 bits)
ArrayByte (8 bits)
ObjectType (Any value, custom Object, array, Or Structure)
DefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
DefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
Description Configuration property: Description of the Tag used as the default Trend Pen Description.
Document Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
Gain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
HighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
IsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the value of the parameter cannot be written to.
IsWriteOnly Configuration property: When enabled the value of the parameter will not be read from the source but will allow writes.
JSON-KeyName To access any individual element of a OAS tag with a Data Source of JSON use .JSON- as the tag variable. An example OAS_Tag.JSON-motors[0].current would provide read and write access of the current value of the first motor element of the array of motors.
LimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
LowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
Offset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
OneOrMoreAlarmsDisabled Read only: One or more alarm limits within the tag are disabled being inside of the daily time or data range to disable the limit.
OneOrMoreAlarmsPotentiallyDisabled Read only: One or more of the alarm limits can be potentially disabled with daily or time range disable sepcified.
OPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
OPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
OPCEnumerate Configuration property: When enabled it will convert the integer value to the text from the item within the enumeration.
OPCEnumerateStrings Configuration property: The list of enumerations to return based on integer value for the index. The string arrays are separated by a pipe character |
OPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
OPCItemKeepOnScan Configuration property: With this Option selected the communications To the OPC Item will always be enabled unless the Device Read Option is selected.
When this Option is disabled communications To the OPC Item will be enabled only When one Or more clients are requesting the value from the Tag. If the point is trended, enabled For alarm monitoring With any one Of the alarm limits enabled, Or Set As a Target output To another OPC Item this OPC Item will always be On scan regardless If there is a requesting client.
Note: Not recommended for OPC Items from RS-Linx OPC Server as it does not handle dynamic adding and removing items well.
OPCQuality Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
OPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
OverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
PreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous value returned as a Date.
PreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous value returned as a String.
PreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous value returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
PreviousValue Read only: The previous value.
Quality Quality of value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
QualityActual Read only: Quality of value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
Quality_BadCount Read only: The number of times the quality of the tag has transitioned from good to bad. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_BadReadCount Read only: The number of communication reads from the device has failed for the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_BadTime Read only: The time in seconds the quality of the tags has been bad. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_BadWriteCount Read only: The number of write failures to the device from the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_GoodCount Read only: The number of times the quality of the tag has transitioned from bad to good. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_GoodReadCount Read only: The number of communication reads from the device has succeeded for the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_GoodTime Read only: The time in seconds the quality of the tags has been good. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_GoodWriteCount Read only: The number of successful writes to the device from the tag. Can be reset to 0 when .ResetCountsAndTime is set to true.
Quality_ResetCountsAndTime Write a value of true to reset Quality_BadCount, Quality_BadReadCount, Quality_BadTime, Quality_BadWriteCount, Quality_GoodCount, Quality_GoodReadCount, Quality_GoodTime, and Quality_GoodWriteCount.
ReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the value of the parameter cannot be written to.
ResetTimeDelay Configuration property: The amount Of time To delay the Reset a Boolean value When Reset Value To False Is enabled.
ResetValue Configuration property: When enabled For a Boolean Tag a write Of False will be sent immediately When the value transitions from False To True.
SiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
SimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of value changing for Simulation data.
SimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
SourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
TagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
TagName Configuration property: The Tag Name Is used To identify the specific point And all Of its parameters. The Tag can be included within a Group.
For example the following would be the full path For a Tag within a Group:
– myGroup.myTag
– The client applications will reference the tag name and parameter by name.
– myGroup.myTag.Value or myGroup.myTag.ValueTimeOn.
TagNameWithoutGroups Read only: The Tag Name without the parent group names included.
TargetEnable Configuration property: Enables the Data Route feature to send the Tag Value to another Tag, OPC Item, or Azure IoT.
This feature Is Not required To just write To a Data Source Of the Tag Value from a client application. If the Data Source Of a Tag Is Set To something other than Value, Calculation, Tag, or Time and write occurs to the Tag the Data Source will be written to.
The Target feature is mainly used to transfer values from controller to controller, OPC Servers to other OPC Servers, Calculation results to controllers, OPC Servers, or Azure IoT. Often used for remote data transfer over the Internet from Data Source to Data Destination.
TargetFloatDeadband Configuration property: For floating point values this is the amount to compare with current value from target value and if within range it does not write a new value. If the source Value is different than the current Target value by more than the Float Deadband a write will occur. The deadband is not used if Write Continuously is enabled.
TargetOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server for sending the Value to.
TargetOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC DA Item.
TargetWriteContinuously Configuration property: When this property is disabled writes will only occur when the source Value is different than the target value.
When this property is enabled writes will continuously be performed at the rate of Target Write Continuously Frequency even if the source Value is the same as the target value.
Note: When this feature is changed either the source Value must change or restart the service for the parameter to take effect.
TargetWriteContinuouslyFrequency Configuration property: The rate at which the value is written to the destination if the continuous writing is enabled.
When this property is enabled writes will continuously be performed at the rate of Target Write Continuously Frequency.
Note: When this feature is changed either the source Value must change or restart the service for the parameter to take effect.
TimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long a Boolean value is true and how many times it transitions to True.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the point is on for the current instance.
How Long the point is on for the current day.
How Long the point is on for Period 1.
How Long the point is on for Period 2.
How Long the point has been on for all of time.
How many times the point has transitioned for the current day.
How many times the point has transitioned for Period 1.
How many times the point has transitioned for Period 2.
How many times the point has transitioned For all of time.
TimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
TimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
TimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
TimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
TimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
TimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
TimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
Timestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current value returned as a Date data type.
TimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current value returned as a string.
TimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current value returned in Ticks.
TimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
TimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
TimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
TimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
TimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus Tag was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
TrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the Parameter available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
UDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
Units Configuration property: Engineering Units of the Tag used as the default Trend Pen Units.
WriteOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the value of the parameter will not be read from the source but will allow writes.
ValueTimeOn Read only: How Long the point is on for the current instance
ValueTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the point is on for the current day.
ValueTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the point is on for Period 1.
ValueTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the point is on for Period 2.
ValueTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the point has been on for all of time.
ValueCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the point has transitioned for the current day.
ValueCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the point has transitioned for Period 1.
ValueCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the point has transitioned for Period 2.
ValueCountTotal Read only: How many times the point has transitioned For all of time.
AlarmStatusHighHigh Read only: The alarm state is active.
HighHighAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
HighHighAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
HighHighAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
HighHighAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
HighHighAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
HighHighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
HighHighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
HighHighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
HighHighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
HighHighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
HighHighAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighHighAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighHighAlarmDeadband Configuration property: The amount that the value must be within the limit before the alarm condition is cleared.
HighHighAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
HighHighAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
HighHighAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
HighHighAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
HighHighAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
HighHighAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
HighHighAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
HighHighAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
HighHighAlarmGain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
HighHighAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
HighHighAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
HighHighAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
HighHighAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
HighHighAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
HighHighAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit.
HighHighAlarmLimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
HighHighAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
HighHighAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
HighHighAlarmOffset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
HighHighAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
HighHighAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
HighHighAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
HighHighAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
HighHighAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
HighHighAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
HighHighAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
HighHighAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
HighHighAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
HighHighAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
HighHighAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
HighHighAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
HighHighAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
HighHighAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
HighHighAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
HighHighAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
HighHighAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
HighHighAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
HighHighAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
HighHighAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
HighHighAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
HighHighAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
HighHighAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
HighHighAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
HighHighAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
HighHighAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
HighHighAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
HighHighAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
HighHighAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
HighHighAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
HighHighAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
HighHighAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmHighHighTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmHighHighTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmHighHighTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmHighHighTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmHighHighTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmHighHighCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmHighHighCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmHighHighCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmHighHighCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
AlarmStatusHigh Read only: The alarm state is active.
HighAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
HighAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
HighAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
HighAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
HighAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
HighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
HighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
HighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
HighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
HighAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
HighAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
HighAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
HighAlarmDeadband Configuration property: The amount that the value must be within the limit before the alarm condition is cleared.
HighAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
HighAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
HighAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
HighAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
HighAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
HighAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
HighAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
HighAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
HighAlarmGain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
HighAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
HighAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
HighAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
HighAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
HighAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
HighAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit.
HighAlarmLimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
HighAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
HighAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
HighAlarmOffset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
HighAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
HighAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
HighAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
HighAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
HighAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
HighAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
HighAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
HighAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
HighAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
HighAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
HighAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
HighAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
HighAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
HighAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
HighAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
HighAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
HighAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
HighAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
HighAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
HighAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
HighAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
HighAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
HighAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
HighAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
HighAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
HighAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
HighAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
HighAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
HighAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
HighAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
HighAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
HighAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
HighAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
HighAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
HighAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
HighAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
HighAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
HighAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmHighTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmHighTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmHighTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmHighTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmHighTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmHighCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmHighCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmHighCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmHighCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
AlarmStatusLow Read only: The alarm state is active.
LowAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
LowAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
LowAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
LowAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
LowAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
LowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
LowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
LowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
LowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
LowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
LowAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
LowAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowAlarmDeadband Configuration property: The amount that the value must be within the limit before the alarm condition is cleared.
LowAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
LowAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
LowAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
LowAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
LowAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
LowAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
LowAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
LowAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
LowAlarmGain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
LowAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
LowAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
LowAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
LowAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
LowAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
LowAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit.
LowAlarmLimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
LowAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
LowAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
LowAlarmOffset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
LowAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
LowAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
LowAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
LowAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
LowAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
LowAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
LowAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
LowAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
LowAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
LowAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
LowAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
LowAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
LowAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
LowAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
LowAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
LowAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
LowAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
LowAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
LowAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
LowAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
LowAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
LowAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
LowAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
LowAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
LowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
LowAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
LowAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
LowAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
LowAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
LowAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
LowAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
LowAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
LowAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
LowAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
LowAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
LowAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
LowAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
LowAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmLowTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmLowTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmLowTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmLowTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmLowTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmLowCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmLowCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmLowCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmLowCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
AlarmStatusLowLow Read only: The alarm state is active.
LowLowAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
LowLowAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
LowLowAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
LowLowAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
LowLowAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
LowLowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
LowLowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
LowLowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
LowLowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
LowLowAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
LowLowAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowLowAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
LowLowAlarmDeadband Configuration property: The amount that the value must be within the limit before the alarm condition is cleared.
LowLowAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
LowLowAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
LowLowAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
LowLowAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
LowLowAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
LowLowAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
LowLowAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
LowLowAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
LowLowAlarmGain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
LowLowAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
LowLowAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
LowLowAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
LowLowAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
LowLowAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
LowLowAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit.
LowLowAlarmLimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
LowLowAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
LowLowAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
LowLowAlarmOffset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
LowLowAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
LowLowAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
LowLowAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
LowLowAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
LowLowAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
LowLowAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
LowLowAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
LowLowAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
LowLowAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
LowLowAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
LowLowAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
LowLowAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
LowLowAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
LowLowAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
LowLowAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
LowLowAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
LowLowAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
LowLowAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
LowLowAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
LowLowAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
LowLowAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
LowLowAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
LowLowAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
LowLowAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
LowLowAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
LowLowAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
LowLowAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
LowLowAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
LowLowAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
LowLowAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
LowLowAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
LowLowAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmLowLowTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmLowLowTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmLowLowTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmLowLowTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmLowLowTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmLowLowCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmLowLowCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmLowLowCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmLowLowCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
AlarmStatusDigital Read only: The alarm state is active.
DigitalAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
DigitalAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
DigitalAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
DigitalAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
DigitalAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
DigitalAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
DigitalAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
DigitalAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
DigitalAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
DigitalAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
DigitalAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
DigitalAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
DigitalAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
DigitalAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
DigitalAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
DigitalAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
DigitalAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
DigitalAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
DigitalAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
DigitalAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
DigitalAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
DigitalAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen.
DigitalAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
DigitalAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
DigitalAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
DigitalAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit, for digital alarms this will be true or false.
DigitalAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
DigitalAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen.
DigitalAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
DigitalAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
DigitalAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
DigitalAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
DigitalAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
DigitalAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
DigitalAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
DigitalAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
DigitalAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
DigitalAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
DigitalAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
DigitalAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
DigitalAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
DigitalAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
DigitalAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
DigitalAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
DigitalAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
DigitalAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
DigitalAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
DigitalAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
DigitalAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
DigitalAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
DigitalAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
DigitalAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
DigitalAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
DigitalAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
DigitalAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
DigitalAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
DigitalAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
DigitalAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
DigitalAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
DigitalAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmDigitalTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmDigitalTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmDigitalTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmDigitalTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmDigitalTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmDigitalCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmDigitalCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmDigitalCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmDigitalCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
AlarmStatusROC Read only: The alarm state is active.
ROCAlarmABAddress Configuration property: The Allen Bradley variable address.
ROCAlarmAcknowledge Write only: Set to true to acknowledge alarm.
ROCAlarmAcknowledged Read only: True if alarm is currently acknowledged.
ROCAlarmActive Read only: The alarm state is active.
ROCAlarmCalculation Configuration property: The equation when the Data Source is set to Calculation. See Getting Started with Calculations for descriptions of all functions.
ROCAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm daily between the Start Hour and Minute and the End Hour and Minute.
ROCAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndHour Configuration property: The hour to end disabling the alarm daily.
ROCAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableEndMinute Configuration property: The minute to end disabling the alarm daily.
ROCAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartHour Configuration property: The hour to start disabling the alarm daily.
ROCAlarmDailyTimeRangeDisableStartMinute Configuration property: The minute to start disabling the alarm daily.
ROCAlarmDataSource Configuration property: The source Of where the value will come from. The Data Source can be Set To one Of the following types:
Value: Fixed value that can be set in configuration or from any client.
AB Classic: Communications to Allen Bradley MicroLogix, SLC 500, and PLC-5.
AB Logix: Communications to Allen Bradley ControlLogix, CompactLogix, GuardLogix, and Micro800.
AWS IoT Gateway: Amazon Web Services IoT Gateway.
Azure IoT: Azure IoT Data Hub.
Calculation: Math equation with multiple tag parameters as a data source. The result is read only and cannot be written to. View the following video to see how to define a Calculation.
CANBus: CanBus interface
FileBinary: Reads value from binary file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .bin located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileText: Reads value from text file with the file name of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .txt located in the directory specified in the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written to Tag the file will be updated with New value.
FileXML: Reads value from xml file With the file name Of the full tag path And parameter name And extension .xml located In the directory specified In the File Data Source Path parameter under Configure-Options. When value is written To Tag the file will be updated With New value.
Modbus: Modbus master communications for Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and Modbus ASCII all supported on both Ethernet and Serial interfaces.
MQTT: Communications to MQTT brokers to send and receive data to MQTT devices and software.
MTConnect: Automated tag creation and live value update from MTConnect.
OPC: Value from Classic DA 2.XX or 3.0 OPC Server.
OPC UA: OPC UA Server.
Siemens: Communications to Siemens S7-200, S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200, and S7-1500.
Simulation: Dynamic simulation of data.
Tag: Value is from another tag parameter from the same service or remote service. The result is read only and cannot be written to.
Year: The current year as an Integer. Value is read only.
Month: The current month as an Integer. Value is read only.
Day: The current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Hour: The current hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
Minute: The current minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
Second: The current second as an Integer. Value is read only.
Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current day as an Integer. Value is read only.
Weekday: The current weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
Weekday Name: The current weekday as a String. Value is read only.
Date Time String: The current date And time as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Year: The current Universal Time Code year as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Month: The current Universal Time Code month as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Day: The current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Hour: The current Universal Time Code hour as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Minute: The current Universal Time Code minute as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Second: The current Universal Time Code second as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Seconds Today: The total number of seconds elapsed in the current Universal Time Code day as an Integer. Value is read only.
UTC Weekday: The current Universal Time Code weekday As an Integer. Value is read only. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday.
UTC Weekday Name: The current Universal Time Code weekday as a String. Value is read only.
UTC Date Time String: The current Universal Time Code Date And time As a String. Value is read only.
UDP Client Tag: Tag from a remote service with the UDP Broadcast feature enabled.
Univeral Driver Interfaces will also appear here in the Data Source property
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisable Configuration property: Disable the alarm between a Start date and End date.
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableEnd Configuration property: The date to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableEndString Configuration property: The date as a string to end disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableStart Configuration property: The date to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
ROCAlarmDateRangeDisableStartString Configuration property: The date as a string to start disabling the alarm between a Start and End date.
ROCAlarmDeadband Configuration property: The amount that the value must be within the limit before the alarm condition is cleared.
ROCAlarmDefaultValueDataTypeWhenBad Configuration property: The data type to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
ROCAlarmDefaultValueWhenBad Configuration property: The value to use when the Source When Bad is set to Set Sources to Default Value. See Source When Bad for full description.
ROCAlarmDocument Configuration property: The document path that is included in an alarm message.
ROCAlarmDynamicAlarmText Configuration property: The Alarm Text of an alarm message can be dynamic based on other Tag values.
The following options can be used for changing the Alarm Text
Static Alarm Text: No change to the alarm text is performed, the default Alarm Text is used.
Prepend Alarm Text: Adds the value of the dynamic alarm text tag ahead of the base Alarm Text.
Overwrite Alarm Text: Replaces the alarm text entirely with the value of the dynamic alarm text tag.
Append Alarm Text: Appends the value of the dynamic alarm text after the base Alarm Text.
Calculation: The alarm text is replaced with the result of a Calculation.
When the alarm occurs the current value of the alarm message is locked for that instance of the alarm so when it is acknowledged or it clears the message is the same for all states.
ROCAlarmDynamicAlarmTextTag Configuration property: The Tag that will contain the string value to update the alarm text.
ROCAlarmEnable Configuration property: Enable alarm limit.
ROCAlarmEnableTag Configuration property: Tag that will control when the alarm limit is enabled.
ROCAlarmEnableWithTag Configuration property: When enabled a Boolean Tag defined controls if the alarm limit is enabled.
ROCAlarmGain Configuration property: The Gain is a multiplier to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
ROCAlarmGroup Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. Simply enter the new alarm group or select from the existing list of groups. OPC, System, and Tag Client are default alarm groups used to identify system and communication alarms.
ROCAlarmHighRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range High For a trend pen and the high limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
ROCAlarmIsReadOnly Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
ROCAlarmLatchEnable Configuration property: When set to true each alarm instance will latch in the active state and will only return to normal when LatchReset is set to true after the alarm has returned to normal.
ROCAlarmLatchReset Write only: Resets a latched alarm when LatchEnable is used.
ROCAlarmLimit Configuration property: The value of the alarm limit.
ROCAlarmLimitWrites Configuration property: Limit writes from users and clients within the High Range and Low Range.
ROCAlarmLogAsEvent Configuration property: When the Value reaches the alarm limit the event will not be indicated and recorded as an alarm with acknowledge state, but instead as an event that just records the one instance of when it reaches the alarm limit.
ROCAlarmLowRange Configuration property: The Default Y Axis Range Low For a trend pen and the low limit when Limit Writes is enabled.
ROCAlarmOffset Configuration property: The Offset is an addition to the raw incoming value except when the Data Source is Value:
Value = RawValue * Gain + Offset
When writing to an item the calculation is reversed:
OutputValue = (Value – Offset) / Gain
ROCAlarmOPCDeviceRead Configuration property: When enabled the Tag defined For the Device Read will control communications To only read the OPC Item With a SyncRead When the tag transitions from False To True. Normal asynchronous communications is disabled If this Property is enabled.
ROCAlarmOPCDeviceReadTag Configuration property: The Tag that will cause a syncread To the OPC Item When the value transitions from False To True.
ROCAlarmOPCItem Configuration property: The OPC Item from a classic OPC DA Server.
ROCAlarmOPCQuality Configuration property: Read only: The integer quality of the value when the Data Source is set to a Classic OPC Server. Typical value is 192 when the data quality is good.
ROCAlarmOPCUpdateRate Configuration property: OPC Update Rate for classic OPC Server item. Each unique rate creates an individual Group In the Server For subscription
ROCAlarmOverrideOPCQualityWhenBad Configuration property: Forces the OPC Quality that is passed onto the OPC Systems.NET OPC Server to good quality when the Data Source When Bad Quality is set to something other than the default of Normal Bad Quality and the Data Source is set to an OPC Item.
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Date.
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a String.
ROCAlarmPreviousTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the previous alarm limit returned as a Long Integer in Ticks.
ROCAlarmPreviousValue Read only: The previoius alarm limit value.
ROCAlarmPriority Configuration property: Used in Alarm Logging, Alarm Notification, and .Net and Web Alarm interfaces for filtering alarms based on group. The valid range is from 0 to 2,147,483,647.
HighHighAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
ROCAlarmQuality Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
ROCAlarmQualityActual Read only: Quality of alarm limit value, true when good quality, false when bad quality.
ROCAlarmReadOnlyValue Configuration property: When enabled the AlarmLimit cannot be written to.
ROCAlarmSampleRate The rate at which successive samples of a DataItem are recorded. SampleRate is expressed in terms of samples per second. If the sample rate is smaller than one, the number can be represented as a floating point number. For example, a rate 1 per 10 seconds would be 0.1
ROCAlarmSiemensAddress Configuration property: The Siemens variable address. See Siemens Address Syntax for address syntax.
ROCAlarmSimulationRate Configuration property: The rate of alarm limit value changing for Simulation data.
ROCAlarmSimulationType Configuration property: Ramp will incrment in value from 0 to 99.
Sine will change value from -1 to 1 based on the time each 60 seconds.
Random will result in a random number with a range of 0 to 99
Toggle will transition between true and false
ROCAlarmSourceWhenBad Configuration property: Allows the alarm limit value and data quality to be overridden when the value quality is bad.
The following are the four (4) available options for Source When Bad:
NormalBadQuality: When the data source is bad quality the result is bad quality. With Calculations any one of the source tags in the calculation being bad quality will cause the result to be bad quality.
SetSourcesToDefaultValue: When the data source quality is bad the source value is overridden to be what is set as Default Value with the data type of Default Value Type. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set to the Default Value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with the remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality.
HoldSourcesToLastGoodValue: When the data sources quality changes to bad quality the last good value will be used as the data source. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be held with its last good value when its individual data quality is bad. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with each individual tags last good quality.
SetSourcesToTagValue: When the data sources quality is bad the value from another Tag will be used. With Calculations that have multiple tag parameters as a source each individual tag value in the calculation will be set from the other Tag value. This will result in the calculation performing the equation with remaining actual values with tags with good quality and overriding the values for the tags that are bad quality with the assigned tag’s value.
Tag Configuration property: Specify a local Or remote Tag To receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
ROCAlarmTag Configuration property: Specify a local or remote Tag to receive the value from when the Data Source is set to Tag.
ROCAlarmTagID Configuration property: Internal variable used for programmatic access to identify tag. Can be set to any string value for custom identifier.
ROCAlarmText Configuration property: Alarm text to use for Alarm Logging, Alarm Notfication, and .NET and Web Alarm interface.
The Alarm Text can be fixed or dynamic with the Dynamic Alarm Text attribute.
ROCAlarmTextValue Read only: The current alarm text that would be used when the alarm transistions into the active state.
ROCAlarmTimeDelay Configuration property: The time delay in seconds that the alarm condition must remain active before the alarm is posted as an active alarm. The date and time when the alarm first became active is used as the alarm date and time, not the date and time it was posted as an active alarm.
If you would Like the AlarmStatus parameter To be Set immediate And Not wait For the Time Delay use Configure-Options To Set Update Alarm Status Immediately without Alarm Time Delay.
ROCAlarmTimeDelayRemaining Read only: The time remaining in seconds if the tag value exceeds the alarm limit and is waiting the time delay to set the alarm as active.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsEnable Configuration property: When enabled it will keep track of how long the alarm is active and how many times it transitions from inactive to active state.
The Time On And Counts feature will keep track of the following
How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetHour Configuration property: The hour the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsDailyResetMinute Configuration property: The minute the Time On and Counts daily totals will be reset each day.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod1 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 1 of Time On and Counts.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsPeriod2 Configuration property: The total time in minutes to track for Period 2 of Time On and Counts.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetEnable Configuration property: When enabled the Time On and Counts totals are reset when the Boolean Tag defined transistions from False to True.
ROCAlarmTimeOnAndCountsResetTag Configuration property: The Boolean Tag that will reset the Time On and Counts totals when its value transitions from False to True.
ROCAlarmTimeOnUnits Configuration property: The Time On values can be returned as Hours, Minutes, or Seconds.
ROCAlarmTimestamp Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a Date data type.
ROCAlarmTimeStampOffset Configuration property: The amount of time to offset the alarm timestamp to match a particular time zone. If you prefer to use Universal Time Code enable the property Use UTC Timestamp under Configure-Options-Time.
ROCAlarmTimestampString Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned as a string.
ROCAlarmTimestampTicks Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in Ticks.
ROCAlarmTimestampUNIX Read only: The timestamp of the current alarm limit value returned in UNIX Epoch.
ROCAlarmTimestampPolled Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a Date data type.
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledString Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned as a string.
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledTicks Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in Ticks.
ROCAlarmTimestampPolledUNIX Read only: The time when the Modbus value for the alarm limit was last polled to obtain the current value returned in UNIX Epoch.
ROCAlarmTrendPoint Configuration property: Enable Trend Point To have the alarm limit, time on and counts, and alarm status available for trending from Trend .NET and Web Trend. You can data log a Parameter value without trending the point If desired.
ROCAlarmUDPClientTag Configuration property: The Tag in the broadcasting service to receive the value into the alarm limit when using one way UDP Broadcast feature.
ROCAlarmUnits Configuration property: Engineering Units that is included in the alarm message.
AlarmROCTimeOn Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current instance.
AlarmROCTimeOnCurrentDay Read only: How Long the alarm is active for the current day.
AlarmROCTimeOnPeriod1 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 1.
AlarmROCTimeOnPeriod2 Read only: How Long the alarm is active for Period 2.
AlarmROCTimeOnTotal Read only: How Long the alarm is active for all of time.
AlarmROCCountCurrentDay Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for the current day.
AlarmROCCountPeriod1 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 1.
AlarmROCCountPeriod2 Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active for Period 2.
AlarmROCCountTotal Read only: How many times the alarm state has transitioned from inactive to active For all of time.



Videos – Calculations

Getting Started Calculations (Legacy)

The following legacy video demonstrates some of the basic functions within the Calculation Engine.  Please refer the the Calculations reference for a complete list of all current functions.

Can I access a bit of an Integer value of an Open Automation Software Tag?

Yes, set the Data Type of the Open Automation Software Tag to Signed Byte, Unsigned Byte, Short Integer, Unsigned Short Integer, Integer, Unsigned Integer, Long, or Unsigned Long. When browsing for a Tag in a client application Bit00 up to Bit63 will be available selection immediately under the Value property.

myTag.Bit00 is an example of providing read and write access to bit 0 of an integer value.

A CSV Export and Import does not work when running on a system with Regional Language settings use a comma as a decimal holder.

Because the OAS Service runs under the SYSTEM Account it is not using the Regional Language settings. In some operating systems when you change the Regional Language the SYSTEM account is not updated. To correct this go to Region and Language under Control Panel, and select the Administrative tab.

Select Copy settings and select the option to Copy your current settings to: Welcome screen and system accounts and select OK.

Restart the OAS Services or restart the operating system.

The CSV export and import will now use your decimal separator selected for the operating system.

We have accumulative value and we want to take Delta for this accumulative value at end of each hour. For example value at start of the hour is 100 and at the end of the hour it is 150, so Delta is 50 for this specific hour. How we can use calculation tag option to achieve it?

First create a String Tag called DateTime with the Data Source of DateTimeString.

Next create a Double Tag called InitialValue with the Data Source of Calculation and the following Calculation.

IF(SUBSTR([DateTime.Value],STRLEN([DateTime.Value])-5,5) = “00:00”,[SourceTag.Value],[InitialValue.Value])

Then you have a second Double Calculation Tag called TheDifference with the following Calculation.


A third Calculation Tag called LastHour can be used to hold the last hour’s result.

IF(SUBSTR([DateTime.Value],STRLEN([DateTime.Value])-5,5) = “59:59”,[TheDifference.Value],[LastHour.Value])